In “An Ordinary Life,” poet B.H. Fairchild looks to the ordinary to find solace for grief at the death of his son.
Poets and Poems: Ellie O’Leary and “Breathe Here”
In “Breathe Here,” poet Ellie O’Leary writes of her childhood losses of her mother at age 10 and her father at 18.
Poets and Poems: Nancy Murphy and “The Space Carved by the Sharpness of Your Absence”
In “The Space Carved by the Sharpness of Your Absence,” poet Nancy Murphy makes sense of loss, grief, pain, and separation.
Poet Laura: Poetry in Times of Sorrow and Joy
Poetry is there for us in times of sorrow and joy. You step into the poet’s shoes, which makes you feel better, safer, known.
By Heart: ‘I so liked Spring’ + New Robert Frost Challenge
What do the thrushes sing? Ah Holy, Holy or Crack! Join us as we learn Charlotte Mew’s poem “I so liked Spring” By Heart.
Poetry Prompt: 5 Things to Do With A Mistake
How many ways can you look at a mistake? Join Callie Feyen and take your mistake out for a walk. And write a poem about the process.
Poetic Voices: Stephanie Rogers and Katie Manning
New collections by poets Stephanie Rogers and Katie Manning are infused with a sense of loss, displacement, and a grittiness that fits their subjects.