In “The Poet and the Fly,” Robert Hudson considers seven poets and how they used the common house fly to develop their themes.
By Heart: ‘The Tyger’ + New John O’Donohue Challenge
Join author Megan Willome as she learns William Blake’s ‘The Tyger’ By Heart. And shares a tiger poem by Newbery-winner Nancy Willard too.
Children’s Book Club: ‘Fear the Bunny’
Join author Megan Willome for Children’s Book Club, in which she learns why bunnies are way scarier than tigers in ‘Fear the Bunny.’ (This picture book not approved by William Blake.)
A Small Volume of Essays, A Larger World of Poetry
A book of essays first published in 1916 provides a window into poetry and its practitioners, as well as how poetry was taught in classrooms.
Understanding the Life and Art of William Blake
Two books on William Blake, “Eternity’s Sunrise” by Leo Damrosch and “Blake: A Biography” by Peter Ackroyd, provide an in-depth look at the artist and poet.
In Search of William Blake
A close look at the poet and artist William Blake provides some surprising facts about a man largely unknown in his own lifetime.