Tania Runyan writes a pantoum, a winding homage to the cups of sun and gold known as the California poppy in her Flowers of California series.
Flowers of California: Lily of the Nile
After a lifetime of taking the unassuming flower for granted, Tania Runyan pens a love letter to lily of the Nile.
Flowers of California: Crape Myrtle
California’s papery crape myrtle blooms played companion to Tania Runyan as a budding writer in her back yard.
“Making Peace with Paradise” by Tania Runyan
In “Making Peace with Paradise,” Tania Runyan reflects on her upbringing in the state that gave us suburbs and the Beach Boys.
Making Peace With Paradise—Celebrate + Poetry Prompt!
Celebrate the release of the new book from one of your favorite poetry how-to authors. Check out Making Peace With Paradise + poetry prompt!
Hermit Crab Essay 002: How To Teach Poetry To Seventh Graders
Teaching poetry to 7th graders begins with vulnerability. Join author Callie Feyen and she walks us through a scene in a middle school classroom.
Poetry Prompt: Peonies on How To Open Up
Join author Callie Feyen as she explores what it means to open ourselves up in this world. Just like the peonies.
Poetry Prompt: Giving and Receiving with Creative Nonfiction
Join author Callie Feyen as she explores ways of giving and receiving with creative nonfiction as a guide.
An Ode to Poetry: “How to Write a Form Poem” by Tania Runyan
“How to Write a Form Poem” by Tania Runyan is a guide to 10 poetic forms. It also stands as an ode to poetry.
The Great Gatsby Book Club: Chapters 7-9—Borne Back Ceaselessly Into the Past
In the final installment of our The Great Gatsby book club, Tania Runyan explores what it means to be “borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
Poetry Prompt: Choose Risk Over Cuteness —The Acrostic Poem
Think the acrostic poem is too cute? Think again. Join Callie Feyen and Tania Runyan and see how risky the form can be.
The Great Gatsby Book Club: Chapters 5 & 6—Dreams and Longing
If it’s about anything, The Great Gatsby is about dreams and longing. But does Jay Gatsby cherish the dream of Daisy more than Daisy herself?
Poetry Prompt: A spiral staircase, anxiety, and the sestina
Join Callie Feyen and walk a spiral staircase with Tania Runyan, poet and author of “How to Write a Form Poem,” in order to understand the sestina.
Reading Generously: ‘How to Write a Form Poem’ by Tania Runyan
Form poetry: not just for grad school anymore. Welcome to your guided tour of ‘How to Write a Form Poem,’ by Tania Runyan.
National Poetry Month: How to Write a Form Poem!
Looking for a wonderful book to inspire you this National Poetry Month? Try out ‘How to Write a Form Poem: A Guided Tour of 10 Fabulous Forms.’
National Poetry Month: Giving Gatsby the Green Light
This National Poetry Month, join Tania Runyan to take a poetic twist on Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby in our in our new book club.
Julius Caesar: Et Tu, Brute? Opposite Day and the Ides of March
For the Ides of March, Tania Runyan has a Julius Caesar “Opposite Day” poetry prompt.
Lord of the Flies: Simon Writes Home
Not all the boys on the island will admit it, but homesickness is one of the greatest challenges the Lord of the Flies characters face. Poet Tania Runyan and the boys of the island explore a “letters home” epistolary poetry prompt.
Poet Laura: Passing the Pen
Tania Runyan concludes her year as Tweetspeak’s inaugural Poet Laura and passes the torch to 2021’s resident poet.
Take Your Poet to Work Day: Tania Runyan
Our 2020 Take Your Poet to Work Day ready-for-work poet collection features our first living poet, Tweetspeak’s Poet Laura, Tania Runyan.