Tonight, U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón reveals her poem, commissioned by NASA to be sent to Europa, Jupiter’s moon. Our own Poet Laura, Dheepa R. Maturi, reveals her own poem to Earth’s moon.
Simon Armitage, the New British Poet Laureate
Simon Armitage is the new British poet laureate, and his most recent collection, “The Unaccompanied,” shows a poet at the top of his art.
Naomi Shihab Nye: Young People’s Poet Laureate
Author Megan Willome takes a trip to the library with Young People’s Poet Laureate Naomi Shihab Nye. Refreshments will be served.
Children’s Book Club: “The Upside Down Boy”
Turn over a new leaf— turn all the way upside down. Join us for a Children’s Book Club discussion of poet Juan Felipe Herrera’s picture book memoir, ‘The Upside Down Boy / El Niño de Cabeza.’
Indiana Poet Laureate Shari Wagner
Charity Singleton Craig meets Indiana Poet Laureate Shari Wagner and considers how to make poetry more accessible to more people.
British Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy
British Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy, the first woman to hold the post, writes powerful and beautiful poetry.
Everyone Has Imagination: Interview with Colorado Poet Laureate Joseph Hutchison (Part 3)
Colorado Poet Laureate Joseph Hutchison doesn’t want poets to make a living writing poetry. Find out why in Maureen Doallas’s final interview segment.
Let Go of What You Mean to Say: Interview with Colorado Poet Laureate Joseph Hutchison (Part 2)
“Most adults have suffered from ‘imaginal abuse, ‘” says Joseph Hutchison. Read more on poetic imagination in Part 2 of Maureen Doallas’s interview with the Colorado poet laureate.
Why Teach Poetry? Interview with Colorado Poet Laureate Joseph Hutchison (Part 1)
“If we taught poetry as a way of knowing, students wouldn’t have to ask why they should study it.” Maureen Doallas interviews Colorado poet laureate Joseph Hutchison.
Poets and Poems: “Selected Poems 1923-1975” by Robert Penn Warren
Poets and Poems features “Selected Poems 1923-1975, ” which reflects the poetic maturity of Robert Penn Warren’s work of than 60 years.
Poetry at Work: The Work of a Poet Laureate
Ava Leavell Haymon was recently named Louisiana’s poet laureate. Walter Bargen, a former poet laureate for Missouri, has some insights into what that means.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
The best in poetry (and poetic things), this week with Seth Haines. 1 Art There is a split of authority in my house. I tend to identify with the poetry of William Carlos Williams—so much depends upon that red wheelbarrow. I imagine the objects of Williams’ poetry, perhaps attaching a bit of unwarranted sentimentality or nostalgia […]
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
1 Art For a second, I thought I was looking at one of those excruciating grade school art projects where we cut squares of crêpe paper, wrapped them around our fingertips, dipped into Elmer’s glue and then stuck them down with 3, 762 other tiny pieces of colored crêpe paper on a tag board cut-out to make […]
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
The best in poetry (and poetic things), this week with Seth Haines. 1 Art Since my introduction to Bottle Rocket, I have been a shameless apologist for Wes Anderson. His unabashed use of obscure music, vibrant color, and awkward, character-driven storytelling has led to some of the most artistic film-making in recent memory. His latest release, Moonrise […]
This Week’s Top 10 Poetic Picks
The best in poetry, (and poetic things), this week with Matthew Kreider
A Simple Rhyme ‘Changed My Life’: Interview with Virginia Poet Laureate Kelly Cherry
Interview with Virginia poet laureate Kelly Cherry.