Let’s make poetry Mad Libs! Join us as we fill in the blanks to the beginning of Edna St. Vincent Millay’s “Renascence.”
By Heart: ‘The Secret’ by Denise Levertov
The secret of life is found in a sudden line of poetry. Join us as we learn Denise Levertov’s “The Secret” By Heart.
By Heart: ‘Dust of Snow’ + New Langston Hughes Challenge
Change your heart. Change your mood. Change a day that you have rued. Let’s read “Dust of Snow” then “Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes.
By Heart: ‘The Snow Man’ + New Sylvia Plath Challenge
Let’s step out of our own snow globe and have a mind of winter. Join us in learning Wallace Stevens’ poem “The Snow Man” By Heart.
By Heart: ‘Sea Poppies’ + New Tracy K. Smith Challenge
Imagine discovering a treasure—a flower. Who will you tell? Join us and learn “Sea Poppies” by H.D. By Heart.
By Heart: ‘Somewhere or Other’ + New H.D. Challenge
Love is there — “Somewhere or Other.” Beauty keeps hope alive. Join us and learn a love poem by Christina Rossetti By Heart.
By Heart: Fall In Love With Poetry + New Abigail Carroll Challenge
Do you want to fall in love with poetry? Memorize a poem (or thirty-six). This By Heart column shows how—with time and tea.
By Heart: ‘Choices’ + New Kate Baer Challenge
Sometimes our choices come down to nests or mountains. Learn Tess Gallagher’s poem “Choices” By Heart and see which one you choose.
By Heart: ‘blessing the boats’ + New Elizabeth Bishop Challenge
For Black History Month, we learn Lucille Clifton’s “blessing the boats” By Heart and consider the memory of a Chilean sea.
By Heart ‘As I Walked Out One Evening’ + New Lucille Clifton Challenge
The river that is our country runs on, despite crooked hearts. Read W.H. Auden’s “As I Walked Out One Evening” beside your favorite river.
By Heart: ‘Everything Is Going To Be All Right’ + New W.H. Auden Challenge
A pandemic is a perfect time to learn a poem By Heart, especially Derek Mahon’s “Everything Is Going To Be All Right.”
By Heart: ‘A Noiseless Patient Spider’ + New Derek Mahon Challenge
Uncle Walt says spiders and souls have a lot in common. Our By Heart column considers Whitman’s ‘A Noiseless Patient Spider’ and Charlotte.
By Heart: ‘To Autumn’ + New Walter de la Mare Challenge
Autumn’s signs may be subtle, but they are there. Join Megan Willome as she learns the end of John Keats’ poem ‘To Autumn’ by heart.
By Heart: ‘I Have Wrapped My Dreams in a Silken Cloth’ + New Vachel Lindsay Challenge
In celebration of Take Your Poet to Work Day, join Megan Willome as she learns Countee Cullen’s “I Have Wrapped My Dreams in a Silken Cloth” by heart.
By Heart: ‘Song of Summer’ + New Countee Cullen Challenge
Savor the summer with author Megan Willome as she learns Margaret Wise Brown’s poem “Song of Summer” By Heart.
Poetry Out Loud: When Poems Become Magic Cloaks
Poetry memorization and recitation can be like a magic cloak, with the power to transform and transport students. Learn great tips for how to start, from theater teacher Dana Kinsey.
By Heart: ‘The Tyger’ + New John O’Donohue Challenge
Join author Megan Willome as she learns William Blake’s ‘The Tyger’ By Heart. And shares a tiger poem by Newbery-winner Nancy Willard too.
By Heart: “Snow-flakes” + New Edgar Lee Masters Challenge
Join author Megan Willome as she learns Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s ‘Snow-flakes’ By Heart.
By Heart: “The Darkling Thrush” + New Longfellow Challenge
Join author Megan Willome as she learns Thomas Hardy’s ‘The Darkling Thrush’ By Heart. This poem has it all: desolation, Hope, and ecstatic caroling.
By Heart: “Come, Night” + New Thomas Hardy Challenge
Join author Megan Willome as she learns William Shakespeare’s ‘Come, Night’ from ‘Romeo and Juliet’ By Heart while savoring this season of extra night.