“Charlotte’s Web” a medieval novel? Join author Megan Willome as she gives a different perespective on the classic story.
Poets and Poems: Simon Armitage and “The Owl and the Nightingale”
British Poet Laureate Simon Armitage has translated the medieval poem “The Owl and the Nightingale,” and it sounds rather familiar.
The Enduring Appeal of “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”
“Sir Gawain and the Green Night” continues to find readers and audiences, helped by modern translations and a movie with Dev Patel.
“Chaucer: A European Life” by Marion Turner
“Chaucer: A European Life” by Marion Turner is a significant work of scholarship on the context of the life of Geoffrey Chaucer.
Poets and Poems: Simon Armitage Translates “Pearl”
British poet Simon Armitage has translated the late Middle English poem “Pearl,” a beautiful poem about a father’s grief and how he resolves it.