Sandra Fox Murphy writes about music’s intersections with time, place and poetry, travelling from a general store in West Virginia to the grackles on a power line in west Texas.
Art and Poetry Come Together in Fredericksburg, Texas
In the Texas Hill Country city of Fredericksburg, an artist and a poet share an exhibition.
Poets and Poems: Mark Johnson Cole and “Four Texas Quartets”
Mark Johnson Cole has constructed a poetic mythology of his home state in “Four Texas Quartets,” and he’s honored T.S. Eliot along the way.
At Home With Books: Texas Little House
Frosty windows, a dog-eared Little House book, and houses old and new provide the backdrop for this reflection in our new At Home with Books column.
Texas Stories: The Invisibility of Seasons
Moving to a warmer climate meant living with a sense of being in a season of no seasons and a recalibration to find the more subtle markers of time, like the blooming of crepe myrtle.
Texas Beer: (512) Brewing Company, Malone, and Katy Perry
Texas beer and Katie Perry are both a little misunderstood. A tour of Texas beer with Seth Haines turns up full flavors and a new poetry prompt.