Dheepa R. Maturi finds herself in the middle of a romantic comedy with her affections for the monarch butterfly. Audio included!
Year of the Monarch: Butterfly Dreams
Laura Boggess dreams of the the monarch’s annual migration and wonders poetically if the monarchs, also, dream of her.
The Gift of the Monarch Butterfly
An unusual gift prompts Dheepa Maturi to think about the tenuous world of the Monarch Butterfly. Come write a poem as you enter this world!
50 States of Generosity: Arkansas
We continue our 50 States of Generosity series with a focus on Arkansas and its state butterfly, the Diana. Maya Angelou’s here, too!
Poet Laura: On Independence Day I Found a Butterfly
The butterfly heralds the arrival of summer and invites childlike wonder. Our Poet Laura, Laura Boggess, shares a butterfly story and three butterfly poems.
Poetry Classroom: The Painted Lady and the Thistle
Welcome to this month’s poetry classroom, with poet and professor Julie L. Moore. Come discuss a painted lady and Adam.
Poems from the House of Memory – 1
From wisteria to butterflies, rubies to gardenia, the house of love and life calls in these poems.