In “The Book of Celtic Verse,” John Matthews has collected a diverse group of poems covering 2,000 years of Celtic history.
Poets and Poems: Kenneth Steven and “Iona”
The poems of “Iona” by Kenneth Steven take us to a Scottish island of both history and remembered childhood.
Taking a Scottish Road Trip with Jorge Luis Borges
What was supposed to be an “author-sitting” stint turned into a Scotland road trip for a young grad student and Jorge Luis Borges.
Poets and Poems: Michael Pedersen and “Oyster”
“Oyster” by Scottish poet Michael Pedersen is a jarring, irreverent poetry collection that wallops you with unexpected tenderness.
Don Paterson: Poet of Light and Dark in Life and in Ourselves
Don Paterson is an important voice in British poetry and letters. He writes of both the light and the dark in life and in ourselves.
Poets and Poems: Robin Robertson’s “The Wrecking Light”
Poets and Poems: To read Robin Robertson’s “The Wrecking Light” is to walk in the poetry of identity, place, geography, mythology, geography — and more.