In the second half of our book club discussion of Ilya Kaminsky’s Deaf Republic, the poems ask us hard questions about the body, about what makes us human, about hope.
2016 National Book Award Winner: “The Performance of Becoming Human” by Daniel Borzutzky
“The Performance of Becoming Human” by Daniel Borzutzky won the National Book Award for Poetry, and its 18 poems confront political and social issues.
Dark Times Filled with Light: Things They Don’t Know
In our first book club discussion of Juan Gelman’s Dark Times Filled with Light we consider our awakening to the world beyond our front door.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Repurposing books into purses, the presidents’ favorite poetry, and why you need a contrarian in your life. Will Willingham has all this and more in This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks.