In “Gratitude Journal: Poems,” Jessica Cohn expresses gratitude for the unusual and unexpected, but always with something larger in mind.
Poets and Poems: Donna Hilbert and “Enormous Blue Umbrella”
“Enormous Blue Umbrella,” the new poetry collection by Donna Hilbert, fuses, memory, childhood, and life into simple and satisfying poems.
Poetry as Autobiography: Hannah Sullivan and Richard Eyre
Hannah Sullivan”s “Three Poems” and Richard Eyre’s “Place to Place” deftly and often movingly utilize poetry for autobiographies.
Poets and Poems: Louis MacNeice and “Autumn Journal”
Published in the spring of 1939, “Autumn Journal” by poet Louis MacNeice captured the spirit of the era – and the change coming.
What Remains: The Collected Poems of Hannah Arendt
“What Remains: The Collected Poems of Hannah Arendt” gathers the 70 often moving poems philosopher Arendt wrote from 1923 to 1962.
Poets and Poems: Luke Harvey and “Let’s Call It Home”
In “Let’s Call It Home,” poet Luke Harvey explores and demonstrates the tenderness of a father towards his young children.
Epigrams and Epitaphs: Martin Armstrong and “Fifty-Four Conceits”
“Fifty-Four Conceits,” published by Martin Armstrong in 1933, is a collection of epitaphs and epigrams that still have meaning.
Poets and Poems: Michael Favala Goldman and “Destinations”
In “Destinations: Poems,” Michael Favala Goldman uses simple language to describe the brokenness in relationships.
Reading Poets’ First Collections: Hedy Habra and Andrew Calis
The first collections of poets Hedy Habra and Andrew Calis both take you to a different place and make you see in a different light.
Poets and Poems: Andrew Calis and “Which Seeds Will Grow?”
In “Which Seeds Will Grow?”, poet Andrew Calis looks beyond human understanding to find hope in a hopeless land.
Poets and Poems: Gillian Allnutt and “wake”
Gillian Alllnutt’s most recent poetry collection “wake” focuses upon English scenes, English history, and spiritual concerns.
Poets and Poems: Megan Willome and “Love and other Mysteries”
The poems of “Love & other Mysteries” by Megan Willome look for the sacredness and mystery in life – and find it.
Poets and Poems: Karla Van Vliet and Asemic Writing, Poetry
In “Bone Scribed” and “Wildwood Devotions,” Karla Van Vliet combines asemic art, writing, and poetry into a cohesive whole.
Poets and Poems: Wendy Wisner and “The New Life”
In “The New Life: Poems,” Wendy Wisner describes just how much death, including a child’s death, is a part of life.
Poets and Poems: Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer and “The Unfolding”
In “The Unfolding: Poems,” Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer explores grief associated with death and finds hope and praise.
Marjorie Maddox Hafer: Poetry, Art, and Spelling
In two new poetry collections, Marjorie Maddox Hafer explores the relationship between poetry and art, and poetry and spelling.
Poets and Poems: Megan Merchant and “Hortensia, in Winter”
In “Hortensia, in winter,” Megan Merchant addresses her poems to an ancestor, fusing her own life with that of her pioneer relative.
Poets and Poems: Sarah Carey and “The Grief Committee Minutes”
In her new poetry collection, “The Grief Committee Minutes,” Sarah Carey explores the many kinds of losses and griefs we experience in life.
Poets and Poems: Hedy Habra and “Or Did You Ever See the Other Side?”
“Or Have You Ever Seen the Other Side?” by poet Hedy Habra is about the choices we make that define the experiences and outcomes of our lives.
Poets and Poems: Jules Jacob & Sonja Johanson and “Rappaccini’s Garden: Poisonous Poetry”
In “Rappaccini’s Garden: Poisonous Poetry,” Jules Jacob and Sonja Johanson have visualized the plants of a Nathaniel Hawthorne short story.