Why learn nursery rhymes? For the jokes! Join our Children’s Book Club as we read “And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon.”
Take Your Poet to School Week: Mother Goose
Even the mythical poets are getting in on the fun of Take Your Poet to School Week. Today, Mother Goose hops on a stick and makes her debut.
The Grandfather Stories: Goldilocks and the Three Brothers
Reading to our grandsons has taught us that the “social time” of reading is just as important as the reading itself — reading tells them they matter.
August Rain: Morose Mother Goose
Nursery rhymes are often our first introductions to poetry. You’d be hard-pressed to find a youngster who was unaware of Jack’s broken crown, the shoe-dwelling woman with more children than the Duggars, or everyone’s favorite fall-on-your-bum game, “ring around the rosie.” But despite the sing-song rhythms and lyrical use of end rhyme, many of Mother […]