In “Her Joy Becomes,” poet Andrea Potos invites the reader into her mind and her heart to experience what her mother meant to her.
Poet Laura: Invitation to Lightness from Dheepa Maturi
Meet Tweetspeak’s incoming Poet Laura, Dheepa Maturi, who promises a deep exploration of chocolate and an invitation to walk lightly together.
Poetry Prompt: Unhoped Joy
What does joy that is unhoped for look like? Join author Callie Feyen as she explores the warmth of gloves and other gifts from the pandemic.
Smiles, Laughter & Joys: What Joy Feels Like Poetry Prompt
Join author Callie Feyen as she talks with kindergarteners about being frustrated and watches as they head toward joy, balloons in hand.
What the Book Needs: Creating The Joy of Poetry – Part 4
Megan Willome ends her 4-part series about creating The Joy of Poetry with a simple admonition for writers: be open to what your book needs.
R Is for Rewriting: Creating The Joy of Poetry – Part 3
As Megan Willome approaches the task of rewriting The Joy of Poetry, she finds a different rhythm to her work.