Dheepa R. Maturi wraps the Year of the Monarch with a butterfly’s journey of growth and the lessons attracted along the way.
A Year-of-the-Monarch Confession: I am a Milkweed Eraser
Tweetspeak Poetry’s Year of the Monarch called for planting milkweed. No one knew that I was secretly the Milkweed Eraser.
Year of the Monarch—A Visit to Craik-Patton House
Laura Boggess visits Craik-Patton House for a garden party and shares about the Year of the Monarch project.
Year of the Monarch: Butterfly Kisses—A Romantic Comedy
Dheepa R. Maturi finds herself in the middle of a romantic comedy with her affections for the monarch butterfly. Audio included!
Year of the Monarch: In Sync — a Communal Poem for the Monarch Butterfly
Plant seeds in poems and in nature. Dheepa Maturi invites us to write a communal poem for the monarch butterfly as the Year of the Monarch continues.
Year of the Monarch: Butterfly Dreams
Laura Boggess dreams of the the monarch’s annual migration and wonders poetically if the monarchs, also, dream of her.
Year of the Monarch: Begin Again
Setbacks and disappointments offer Dheepa R. Maturi an opportunity to reflect on the impact of even small steps in the journey toward healing the earth.
Year of the Monarch: Harvesting and Planting Milkweed Seeds
Fall is the best time to plant milkweed seeds. Laura Boggess has tips to plant your seeds and help sustain the monarch butterfly.
Poet Laura: Goodbye—and Hello!
Dheepa R. Maturi bids farewell as 2023’s Poet Laura while she announces and welcomes her successor for 2024. Find out who takes up the feather and where you can find Dheepa in the year to come.
Year of the Monarch: The Native Wildflowers Formerly Known as Weeds
Author Laura Boggess discovers the beauty—and necessity—of letting native wildflowers like milkweed grow in her yard to bring back the monarchs.
Poet Laura: The Butterfly Effect—Year of the Monarch
Dheepa R. Maturi, Tweetspeak’s Poet Laura, invites us to participate in the Year of the Monarch, a project both practical and poetic, to help our butterfly friends.