Bethany Rohde begins a new series of tiny reads, with a refreshing encouragement to breathe—from Burrow & Meadow, an imagined postcard line.
Writing Prompt: Play With Your Food
Creative nonfiction writer, Callie Feyen, takes help from poet Tania Runyan to write food poetry. Come along and craft your own poem or story—purple carrots optional!
Poetry Prompt: Fireworks, Sparkles & Speckles
Take a little time to engage in some sparkly living this week. Pay special attention to what glints and gleams, sparkles and speckles, or… explodes!
By Hand: Writing Longhand
By Hand is a monthly prompt focused on freeing our words by using our hands. This month, we’re exploring writing longhand with Megan Willome as our guide.
Writing Prompt: Science Fiction and Ecopoetry
Reports on the state of the planet’s future can sound like dystopian science fiction. Can they also be a clarion call that enlivens our creativity? Join us as we write about our interconnection to the world we’re part of.
Poetry Prompt: Science Fiction with Ray Bradbury
Go on a walk after reading Ray Bradbury’s story “The Pedestrian,” then craft a sci-fi poem to share with us where your rambles took you.
Poetry Prompt: Science Fiction with Ursula K. Le Guin
Try writing a poem inspired by Ursula K. Le Guin, where setting is everything, whether it’s the California foothills, the banks of a creek bravely winding its way to the ocean, or an utterly new planet that only you have explored!
By Hand: No Hands
By Hand is a monthly prompt focused on freeing our words by using our hands. This month, we’re exploring what happens to our words when our hands are tired—with Megan Willome as our guide.
Tanka Poetry Prompt: What’s a Tanka?
This month, we’ll explore the ancient Japanese form called the tanka. This lesser known form might be thought of as haiku’s quiet older sibling.
By Hand: Cooking and Baking
By Hand is a monthly prompt focused on freeing our words by using our hands. This month, we’re exploring cooking and baking with Megan Willome as our guide.
By Hand: Pruning as Craeft
By Hand is a monthly prompt focused on freeing our words by using our hands. This month, we’re exploring pruning as craeft with Megan Willome as our guide.
Teach It: How Do They Tell a Story? First, You Listen
Literacy specialist Callie Feyen says the best way to help children write is first to listen.
Book Club Announcement: Storm in a Teacup: The Physics of Everyday Life
Join us beginning November 1 for a “romp through the physical world” in our upcoming book club on Helen Czerski’s Storm In A Teacup: The Physics of Everyday Life.
Thank You Notes: Notepads
Thank You Notes is a monthly writing prompt to express our thanks to a particular person, place, or thing. This month we’re saying thank you to notepads.
Silver, Gold, and Precious Stones: Poetry Prompt
Whether silver, gold, or precious stones, jewels have always been a part of human culture. Join us as we learn a little about the history of jewels and write poetry inspired by those who create them.
Poetry Prompt: Celebrity Pillows
Which celebrity is worthy of having their face printed on a pillow? Poem on Your Pillow Day is coming up and we’re having fun imagining which celebrity should be on a pillow, with a poem on top. Join us!
Games: Playlist and Poetry Prompt
This month’s playlist and poetry prompt is all fun and games. Listen along, dust off your favorite board game, and join us!
The Literary Epic: Poetry Prompt
Come along on an exploration of the literary epic and find out why Virgil made us readers. Remember to pack your prompt-writing pencil!
Epic Poetry: The Simile Prompt
Join us for this week’s prompt as we explore the nature of simile and its use in epic poetry.
Epic Poetry: Invocation of the Muse Prompt
Seek and find your muse and bring her along to inspire a poem. What’s a muse? How do you invoke one like the Greeks did? Homer shows the way.