Sandra Heska King takes a dare to commit more poetry for National Poetry Month. This time, it’s Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.
Committing Prufrock: 10 Reasons to Say Yes to Memorizing Poetry
Why would someone take a dare to commit The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufock to memory? Sandra Heska King has 10 great reasons to say yes to a poetry dare.
National Poetry Month Dare: Commit ‘The Stolen Child’ by W. B. Yeats
Join us in our National Poetry Month Dare as we memorize “The Stolen Child” by W. B. Yeats, complete with printable Faery Badges.
Committing Prufrock: Poetry Memorization Tips & Memories
Sandra Heska King uses her Phone-a-Friend to crowd-source poetry memorization tips and memories as she continues her Committing Prufrock Poetry Dare.
Committing Prufrock: 6 Great Ways to Memorize a Poem
Sandra Heska King continues her poetry dare, memorizing T.S. Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.” Today, she shares her tips for memorizing a poem.
Committing Prufrock: There Will Be Time
Sandra Heska King continues her mission to Commit Prufrock, finding herself lost in the rabbit trails that can be a part of reading poems.
Poetry Dare: How to Commit Prufrock
Sandra Heska King introduces her plan to commit Prufrock (to memory) and introduces our Barista Badges so you can join the fun and celebrate your progress.
This Week’s Top 10 Poetic Picks
The best in poetry, (and poetic things), this week with Matthew Kreider.
Oh, Annabel: Words of My Father
Daddy told stories of WWII, when he first started memorizing Poe. I’ll never know why he chose Edgar, but we loved hearing his voice recite as we traveled.
The Writing Life: How to Be a Famous Author
The writing life should be simpler than this, right? No, it’s not easy, and it never will be. Because we want to be famous. And that’s good, and not.
Living By Heart Poems
I set myself the daily task of writing a poem each morning to my body.
By Heart: Because You Might Need It Like Marie Ponsot
When poet Marie Ponsot suffered a stroke at the age of 89, she lost all of her language.