We continue our 50 States of Generosity series with a focus on Arkansas and its state butterfly, the Diana. Maya Angelou’s here, too!
Take Your Poet to Work Day is Coming: Here’s Our Free Coloring Book!
Celebrate Take Your Poet to Work Day with our free poets coloring book, newly updated for 2016, and let your poet explore your workplace.
Take Your Poet to Work Day: Poets Who Didn’t Want to Be at Work
If there was a common theme for our poets in this year’s Take Your Poet to Work Day celebration, it was that they didn’t want to be at work.
Take Your Poet to Work: Maya Angelou
As we continue to get ready for the 2015 Take Your Poet to Work Day Celebration, this week we welcome Maya Angelou to our collection of ready-for-work poets.
The Best in Poetry: This Month’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
How awe makes us more generous, how rhythm can help dyslexic kids read, and how reading Ginsberg might get you fired. It’s our Top Ten Poetic Picks.
Iconoclasts: Dave Chappelle Meets Maya Angelou
When two major figures—both word people—get together over their similarities and differences, something awe-inspiring happens. Chappelle and Angelou. Wow.
Maya Angelou: The Poetry and Life of Reinvention
Maya Angelou was an unlikely candidate for literary success. But she reinvented herself, more than once.
Top Ten Reasons to Love the Academy of American Poets “Poetry and the Creative Mind”
Missed the Academy of American Poets “Poetry and the Creative Mind” gala? Here’s our recap, in classic Top Ten format.
Re-Inventing the Ode
Creating a traditional ode allows the poet to use her outdoor voice. It is a profoundly public medium, daring to speak to and for everyone.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
The hair-splitting debate over split infinitives, 10x vs 10% better, Monopoly iron says farewell. Will Willingham has This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
An inaugural poetry primer, Bill Murray reading Dickinson poems to construction workers, and free books for the taking in This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks.