We enjoy a daily sharing over Every Day Poems on Twitter, inviting you to dip into poetry with us. Check our our favorite 10 lines from the last few months.
Top 10 Dip Into Poetry Lines
We began a daily sharing over Every Day Poems on Twitter, inviting you to take a dip into poetry with us. Discover the power of a single line.
The Best in Poetry: This Month’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
How awe makes us more generous, how rhythm can help dyslexic kids read, and how reading Ginsberg might get you fired. It’s our Top Ten Poetic Picks.
Top 10 Dip Into Poetry Lines
We’ve been taking a daily “dip into poetry” sharing over Every Day Poems on Twitter. Come discover the power of a single line.
Top 10 ‘Dip Into Poetry’ Lines
We’ve been taking a daily “dip into poetry” sharing over Every Day Poems on Twitter. Come discover the power of a single line.
Top Ten #DipIntoPoetry Lines from Every Day Poems
We’ve been taking a daily “dip into poetry” with Every Day Poems. Come discover the power of a line in our Top Ten Dip into Poetry Lines.
Top Ten “Dip into Poetry” Lines
We’ve been taking a daily “dip into poetry” for the last month or so. Come discover the power of a line in our Top Ten Dip into Poetry Lines.
The Best in Poetry: Top Ten Poetic Picks
Your novel’s optimum length is shorter than a bridge. A literary time capsule. Team building for the self-employed. It’s our Top 10 Poetic Picks.
A Poetry Dare. I Really Don’t Care.
We’ve extended a poetry dare. And the subject is not quite willing. What will happen to Ed over the next 30 days?
Dip Into Poetry: Sharing Over Every Day Poems
Poetry can be community. Now we’re sharing lines from Every Day Poems, to make it so. Join us on Twitter.
A Poetry Dare for National Poetry Month
Celebrate National Poetry Month by joining in our first ever large group Poetry Dare. Read a poem a day with us, with the daily offerings from Every Day Poems or a choose a poet to read for the month.
The Poem of the Month: February
What was the Poem of the Month for February? Come see what you voted to the top.
Choose the Poem of the Month
Looking for the best poem? It might be a matter of the heart. Help us choose the poem of the month!
A Poem a Day: Beautiful and Convenient
Best poem a day! Daily inbox delivery, Monday through Friday. Monthly themes, beautiful art. Discover established and emerging poets.
The Poem of the Month: January
Wherein we reveal the poem of the month. You picked it. We’re unveiling it.
Choose the Poem of the Month
It’s time to sleuth the poem of the month! Which poems were most loved in January? You can help us know.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Did Jane Austen play video games? Did William Carlos Williams really eat the plums? Did Ben Franklin think flying was useful? It’s another week of the best in poetry and poetic things: Our Top 10 Poetic Picks.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Emily Dickinson’s pickup lines, op-ed poetry, why you should draw with your 4-year-old. It’s a brand new week of our Top Ten Poetic Picks.
Top Ten Poetic Picks
Being literally incorrect, Sesame Street’s “Sons of Poetry, ” Walter White & Walt Whitman, why ask why you need an editor. It’s our Top Ten Poetic Picks.
Operation Poetry Dare: Poetry Brain
Can everyone write poetry? Or only those with a poetry brain? Looks like Nancy Franson is trying to talk herself out of writing a poem as her Poetry Dare continues.