We spend a lot of time on Twitter. (We’re Tweetspeak Poetry, right?) In fact, we figure we read thousands of tweets every month. One of the things poetry and Twitter have in common (when done well) is an economy of words. Sometimes, it so happens we read a tweet and say to ourselves, “That’s poetry.” Maybe it’s not a poem, but it’s a poetic thing. A way of using words well.
We want to take notice.
Here are ten of the top poetic tweets we’ve seen in the last few weeks:
I long for a worthy opponent I long for a grapefruit I long for adventure I long for a simpler time #GooglePoems pic.twitter.com/XXtQjA6gFn
— Google Poetics (@GooglePoetics) July 18, 2013
@RDSPress @lwlindquist @EDayPoems Poets exist somewhere between Christmas and being roasted alive. — A Man Called Da-da (@AManCalledDada) July 18, 2013
today I sat naked on the bed for a very long time / a structure collapsible / turned in on itself / as silent as paper — Angie LaPaglia (@myearthgirl) July 20, 2013
Ah the men’s locker room at a country club. You come out smelling like Old Spice and misogyny.
— Adam S. McHugh (@adamsmchugh) July 30, 2013
@tspoetry@99u Here’s the thing, if I’m not a genius already, I doubt waking up early is gonna help my chances. #NightOwlsUnite#ImNotSleepy
— Heather Eure (@heathereure) July 25, 2013
“I’m sorry, have I been talking too much about myself?” – Walt Whitman #fictiondates
— Julie Sugar (@juliesugar) August 7, 2013
“Running late…Sorry!” – Godot #fictiondates
— Electric Literature (@ElectricLit) August 7, 2013
@tinylittlepoems All those little strands Yarn like water In my hands I wanted to re-ravel But my boneless fingers Could not find The ends
— Brendan Bonsack (@BrendanBonsack) August 7, 2013
August – a month of cascades and overflowing – a month of too much and more
— Kathleen (@everettpoetry) August 7, 2013
In other news. We’re 2 donkeys down in the village. Only 3 left now. They’ve gone to graze in the eternal fields. Or something.
— Barbara (@chicaderock) August 7, 2013
Photo by VinothChandar. Creative Commons via Flickr.
Buy a year of Every Day Poems, just $5.99 — Read a poem a day, become a better poet. In August we’re exploring the theme Bottled & Canned.
- Announcement: The Sadbook Collections—Book 2! - February 1, 2025
- Creativity Prompt: Sanity Journal - January 24, 2025
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Maureen Doallas says
Morning in the men’s locker
room: night owls smelling
like village donkeys.
* * * * * *
You miss my cable, ravel
strands of a very long yarn
about the unpredictable
adventure of genius poets.
I wanted something more
worthy of waking to you.
davis says
love it
Megan Willome says
You missed NPR’s Scott Simon’s tweets from his mother’s deathbed. They’re incredible.
The heavens over Chicago have opened and Patricia Lyons Simon Newman has stepped onstage.
She will make the face of heaven shine so fine that all the world will be in love with night.
Monica Sharman says
davis says
Heather Eure says
I enjoyed following his tweets during those last two days. They were absolutely precious and wonderful and funny and heart-rending. A lovely tribute, for sure.
davis says
i like these.
Elizabeth W. Marshall says
Just a pithy wowza. Good things do come in small packages.
Donna says
FUN!!! I love the tweets!