Here’s another contribution on “Why Poetry Matters” that was submitted for the poetry and wine giveaway last month. The randomly chosen commenter received a copy of L.L. Barkat’s InsideOut: Poems, and the winner of the 100-word statements on what poetry matters received a copy of the poems and a bottle of Sineann wine (and a big thanks to nAncY, aka @PoemsPrayers for the donation of the wine).
This one is from Lorrie at Grow Up Deep.
How I Came to Love Poetry
I think that poetry came to love me.
I came into this world disgruntled at having to be here. I know that sounds weird and I thought it probably was weird until I read Henry Vaughan’s poem “The Retreat.”
I was validated by those fantastic poetic words.
Poetry came to me as a gift. Not a gift in the sense of it being a talent but a gift because it allows me to feel a connection to something I feel painfully separated from. It is personal. It is a relationship and the things that are whispered to me alone…
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- Essays: Benjamin Myers Takes on Ambiguity and Belonging - February 4, 2025
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laura says
and how it keeps giving through Lorrie. I remember these words. They are all the lovelier the second time around.
nAncY says
i like seeing these here, posted one at a time.
love your thoughts here, lorrie.
Kathleen says
Wow Lorrie. That’s all. Wow.
Lorrie says
Awwww… you guys are too precious. I’m so grateful 🙂
denise says
this is beautiful.
poetry “allows me to feel a connection to something i feel painfully separated from.” i get that.