Give your soul a 5-minute refresh with this invitation to breathe deeply and meditate on a life-giving line of poetry.
Resilient Book Club: Part 4—Relating
In the final discussion in our book club of Resilient by Rick Hanson, Laura Boggess leads us in a conversation about Relating, and our inner strengths of courage, aspiration, and generosity.
Resilient Book Club: Part 2—Resourcing
In this week’s installment of our book club of Resilient by Rick Hanson, Laura Boggess discusses the role of resourcing ourselves to build resilience, and reflects on grit, gratitude and confidence.
Resilient Book Club: Part 1—Recognizing
In this week’s first installment of our book club of Resilient by Rick Hanson, Laura Boggess discusses the role of recognizing in meeting our needs, and considers the inner strengths of compassion, mindfulness and learning.
The Best in Poetry: This Month’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Writing conferences pert’near South Dakota, making carrots into clarinets, art you can’t see unless it’s raining. It has to be our Top Ten Poetic Picks.
Top Ten Poetic Picks
Being literally incorrect, Sesame Street’s “Sons of Poetry, ” Walter White & Walt Whitman, why ask why you need an editor. It’s our Top Ten Poetic Picks.