What does it really mean to be an adult? Guest author John Mitchell Morris’s haunting story challenges us to consider.
Memoir Notebook: Three Summers, Part 2: Bucking Hay
Richard Maxson continues his boyhood farming tale, reflecting on the harvest of transcendent memories cultivated in an alfalfa field.
Memoir Notebook: Three Summers, Part One: The Seed
A city boy goes to spend the summer on a farm in rural Ohio, and the experience stays with him into his golden years, still surprising him with the way it reveals plain and not-so-plain truths.
Memoir Notebook: Searching for Arkansas
Rick Maxson and his family have lived many places, but their search for home ultimately led them to the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas.
Memoir Notebook: My Moveable Feast
In our latest Memoir Notebook, Michelle Rinaldi Ortega travels to Paris and encounters Ernest Hemingway and his Moveable Feast.
Memoir Notebook: Molly and the Thieves
In our latest Memoir Notebook, Richard Maxson remembers his beloved German Shepherd Molly, in a tale of love, loss, and a band of thieves.
Memoir Notebook: Sweet Talk
In this Memoir Notebook, Darrelyn Saloom recalls watching her stepfather raise his right arm. This time, his open hand curled into a fist.
Memoir Notebook: Too Close for Comfort
Darrelyn Saloom reveals childhood fears, both macro–the Cold War–and micro–her stepfather’s anger–in this entry in the Memoir Notebook.
Memoir Notebook: Writing the Fragile
In memoir, how do you write what is fragile? Maybe first you have to live it. Courageously remember it. Then tap the fragile in yourself.
Memoir Notebook: The Worst Kind of Luck
Darrelyn Saloom recalls her mother, Billie Burnside and the Circle Inn lounge in this poignant entry in the Memoir Notebook.
Memoir Notebook: Double I/Eye
You’ll attempt in memoir to recall as best you can, but it’s not always possible. One possible avenue of resolving the memory folly is splitting the memoirist in two.
Memoir Notebook: The Bright Orders
By way of our Memoir Notebook, we want you to meander, get caught up, find yourself taken to places you hadn’t intended to go (but are so glad, in the end, that you went). Today, Wm. Anthony Connolly talks about ghosts and Olympia Café.
Memoir Notebook: Through the Hands of Strangers
Our Memoir Notebook feature will give you thoughts on aesthetics and craft, but it will feel like poetic narrative. And sometimes it will simply be poetic narrative. Come away with us and Wm. Anthony Connolly to the beach, for a last bit of summer.