When you wind up in one of those places that feels like it has the makings of a B horror movie, you might as well start telling the story right then. Will Willingham has an adjuster story reminding us of how storytelling can be a way of understanding.
Confessions of a Serial Novel Writer
Serial fiction presents unique challenges and opportunities for a fiction writer. Will Willingham looks at the process like trying to outrun a gravel truck.
On Being a Writer Book Club: Identify
Join our book club of On Being a Writer and let’s discuss together the question, Do you call yourself a writer?
Adjustments: The Series
Is it true that claim adjusters tell the best stories? Find out for yourself with our subscriber-only fiction series, Adjustments.
An Adjuster’s Letter to John Keats
An adjuster writes a letter to John Keats, hoping to understand mystery and negative capability in a world where truth matters less than what you can prove.
Take Your Poet to Work: Wisława Szymborska
Meet Polish poet Wisława Szymborska as we continue our preparations for celebrating Take Your Poet to Work Day on July 15.
Top 10 Reasons to Re-Read ‘Rumors of Water’
What’s your favorite writing book? LW Lindquist says it’s time to re-read Rumors of Water and has 10 great quotes to tell you why.