What kind of person will I be “When I am old”? Callie Feyen writes a poem in which she relishes, for a moment, being exactly who she is.
Poetry Prompt: The Five Whys
Join author Callie Feyen as she asks the 5 Whys to get to the root cause of a problem and, in the process, writes Because Poems.
The Power of Curiosity: “Can I Touch Your Hair?” by Irene Latham & Charles Waters
Author Laura Brown discusses how curiosity deepens friendship, using the children’s book “Can I Touch Your Hair: Poems of Race, Mistakes, and Friendship.”
Book Club: How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Curiosità
Often, the most important thing is not the answer, but the question. Michael Gelb (and Leonardo da Vinci) suggest we write a hundred questions to get our curiosity started.
Curious Book Club: 7 Ways to Stay Curious
As we wrap up our book club discussion of Curious: The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends on It, Ian Leslie has 7 ways to stay curious.
Curious Book Club: The Curiosity Divide
Curiosity that finds its outlet in fiction could be the best way we have of crossing barriers and coming together in society. Our Curious book club continues.
Book Club Announcement: Curious
Curiosity may have killed that one cat, but it’s likely more vital than dangerous. Our new book club explores Ian Leslie’s Curious: The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends
on It.