How many ways can we keep what’s precious, asks author Callie Feyen. Come along and keep what you love or wish you’d loved, in a poem.
Poetry Prompt: Haiku for Dreaming, Wishing, and Becoming
If you can dream it, you can haiku it. Join author Callie Feyen as she shares how a new job is impacting her writing life.
By Heart: ‘I so liked Spring’ + New Robert Frost Challenge
What do the thrushes sing? Ah Holy, Holy or Crack! Join us as we learn Charlotte Mew’s poem “I so liked Spring” By Heart.
Poetry Prompt: Six-Room Poetry
Join author Callie Feyen as she wallows in the Michigan fog. That is, until her daughter changes her mind and prompts poetry.
Poetry Prompt: Baiku Poems
We have all been thrust into a new season, and it hasn’t been easy (to say the least). Callie Feyen introduces us to baiku, a haiku about saying goodbye. So that we can say hello to the new.
Poetry Prompt: Five Senses Poems
Join author Callie Feyen as she hunts for spring with a group of second graders. Then get your own senses kindled and respond with a poem!
Literary Tour: Lauritzen Gardens, Omaha, NE
As March roared in like a lion, Michelle DeRusha went searching for verdant life and warmth with a Literary Tour to Lauritzen Gardens, Omaha, NE.