Tweetspeak’s Poet Laura, Dheepa R. Maturi, finds humor, solace and haiku in the wake of a sinking boat and tragedy avoided.
A Ritual to Read to Each Other: Rumi & Mac Miller
Imagine Rumi as a rapper. Or Mac Miller as a mystic. Megan Willome explores the similarities between these two artists in our monthly column, A Ritual to Read to Each Other.
Take Your Poet to Work Day is Coming: Here’s Our Free Coloring Book!
Celebrate Take Your Poet to Work Day with our free poets coloring book, newly updated for 2016, and let your poet explore your workplace.
Take Your Poet to Work Day: Poets Who Didn’t Want to Be at Work
If there was a common theme for our poets in this year’s Take Your Poet to Work Day celebration, it was that they didn’t want to be at work.
How to Be a Better Writer: Tree Artist Date
Join Laura Boggess as she hops the fence and wades through the grass to sit a while under the leafy branches of a giant tree.
It’s Take Your Poet to Work Day!
Today is Take Your Poet to Work Day! Join us and your favorite poets for all the smart fun in workplaces around the world.
Take Your Poet to Work Day: Free Coloring Book
We’re just days away from Take Your Poet to Work Day. Stop in and pick up a free Take Your Poet to Work coloring book to help you and your favorite poet get ready for the big day!
Eating and Drinking Poems: Rumi’s ‘Any Soul That Drank the Nectar’
In the latest Eating and Drinking Poems post, Megan D. Willome shares her Christmas tradition of eating enchiladas and drinking Topo Chico mineral water.
Top Ten Poetry Videos
Poetry by its very nature is visual, its words alone enough to conjure vivid, lifelike images. Even so, we’ve rounded up ten great poetry videos.
Take Your Poet to Work: Rumi
Ever wish you could take your favorite poet along with you to work? You know, have Rumi help you mix the chemicals for that lab experiment you’re working on. Or serve up a poet on a stick along with the sandwiches to your lunch customers. With Take Your Poet to Work Day just around the corner, now you can.
WordCandy Sweet Blogger Roundup on the Prairie
We round up another month of WordCandy quotes, poetry, photos with our Sweet Bloggers.