Five National Student Poets share their passion for poetry in their own hometowns and beyond through workshops, readings, and literary programs.
This Month’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Former teen poet becomes President. Poetry is dead, again? Elastic ekphrastics and the challenges of diversity in publishing. It’s our Top Ten Poetic Picks.
National Student Poet Louis Lafair: Part 2
National Student Poet Louis Lafair discusses the influences of his poetry, and his vision for experiencing poetry in the 21st century.
National Student Poet Louis Lafair: Part 1
National Student Poet Louis Lafair reveals his early introduction to poetry, his favorite poets and why he reads them, and what he discovers in poetry.
National Student Poet: Sojourner Ahebee (part 2)
National Student Poet Sojourner Ahebee talks about the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards and the the role of poetry in preserving memory.