How many ways can we keep what’s precious, asks author Callie Feyen. Come along and keep what you love or wish you’d loved, in a poem.
Poetry Prompt: A spiral staircase, anxiety, and the sestina
Join Callie Feyen and walk a spiral staircase with Tania Runyan, poet and author of “How to Write a Form Poem,” in order to understand the sestina.
Poetry Prompt: Thanksgiving Poems
Join author Callie Feyen as she recalls Thanksgiving beauty that spilled over into her wedding. And write your own Thanksgiving poem.
Memories Poetry Prompt: Something Lost
Is there something you remember that you wish you could return to? Join Callie Feyen in stirring your memories of lost things you wish you could find again—and put them in a poem!
Memories Poetry Prompt: A List
A good rule for writing true is, start with what bothers you. But what do we do when what bothers us is too much to figure into a story? How about making a list?
Poetry Prompt: Come Back To Your Heart (Map)
Looking for ways to tap into your memories and turn them into stories or poems? Try heart mapping, a creative exercise in exploring what you hold close.
Pod Club Announcement: Listen with us to Radiolab’s “Memory and Forgetting”
Join us for our next Pod Club discussion over Radiolab’s “Memory and Forgetting” and discuss how memories are formed, erased and altered.