The best in poetry (and poetic things), this week with Will Willingham. 1 Art As an insurance adjuster, I find the term “perfect storm” an unfortunate combination of words, unless we simply mean the sort of storm which generates a lot of business for me but in which no one is hurt and only easily […]
National Poetry Month: Marcus Goodyear
Marcus Goodyear is senior editor for (sponsored by Foundations for Laity Renewal) and (sponsored by Christianity Today). His poetry has been published in Geez Magazine, 32 Poems and Stonework Journal. Barbies at Communion: and other poems, his first volume of poetry, was published in 2010 and selected as a notable book by Englewood […]
A Second Edition for “Barbies”
Barbies at Communion: and other poems by Marcus Goodyear has just gone into its second edition – and it has a new cover. Published last year by T. S. Poetry Press, Barbies has received a number of great reviews and was selected as a runner-up for best poetry book of the year by the Englewood […]
TweetSpeak Poetry Gets Famous
Marcus Goodyear has written an article for Christianity Today’s Books & Culture on TweetSpeak Poetry – how it started, what it evolved into, and where it may be headed. Key events in the creation: Bradley Moore (aka Shrinking Camel) didn’t understand hashtags, and L.L. Barkat and Glynn Young had begun to rediscover poetry via Twitter. […]
Barbies at Communion named ERB Honor Book
Marcus Goodyear and Barbies at Communion
You see your young daughter playing with her Barbie dolls in church while communion is being served, and the result is a poem. You read an article about a super-collider, and a poem results (for Mother’s Day, no less). You’re cutting your lawn that’s browning in the Texas heat, and a poem results. Welcome to […]
The Barbie Poems 3
We have eight more poems from our poery jam to celebrate Barbies at Communion: and other poems by Marcus Goodyear. Looking at the remaining tweets to edit, I expect two more posts here for The Barbie Poems. The Barbie Poems 3 By @mdgoodyear, @papagoodyear, @llbarkat, @memoriaarts, @arestlessheart, @lauraboggess, @cascheller, @mattpriour, @PoemsPrayers, @KathleenOverby, @togetherforgood, @gyoung9751, @mmerubies, […]
Partying with the Barbies
We had our poetry jam on Twitter last night, and this time we did a kind of “event” around Marcus Goodyear’s newly published collection, Barbies at Communion: and other poems. So, yes, it was a Barbie-themed party, and it was wild. For the last three poetry jams, we’ve been featuring a new “tool” or Twitter […]