Writers need to fill the imagination tank now and then. Our Poet Laura takes us for a long drive to find a feast for the eyes.
From Artist’s Way to Museum Art Camp
Donna Falcone joined our Artist’s Way book club on a whim—and wrote down a dream. Six years later, a beautiful, unexpected thing has occurred.
Poetry at the IRS: An Accidental Artist Date
A couple of hours on the meter, a walk through the metal detector and a long wait on the IRS office chairs might be all you need for an Artist Date.
How to Become a Better Writer: Artist Date on the Dock
We learn how to become a better writer as we join Kathryn Neel on the dock and consider how to make peace with the dark.
Using Lists To Prioritise Creativity In Your Diary
Creativity is a fragile thing. It needs attention daily, without interruption. Claire Burge shares how to use lists to make this happen consistently every week.
How to Become a Better Writer: Leonardo Artist Date
Kathryn Neel learned how to become a better writer with help from Leonardo da Vinci and wide-eyed children who easily embraced the playfulness of genius.
Artist Date: Suds
Take an Artist Date in the frigid early spring air above a spillway pulsating with rich white foam.
Artist Date: Freezing Rain
Freezing rain and an ice storm in progress provided a sensory treat for an unexpected Artist Date.
Artist Date: Back Room, Meininger’s
The Artist Date is a dream-child of Julia Cameron. Come along on this one, to a back store room at Meininger’s.
The Anthologist: Conversation in a Laundromat
I moved upstairs to the kitchen to work. I don’t like the kitchen much. It reminds me of all the times I have to cook, and cooking is not something I enjoy. Sometimes when I cook, there’s a fire, and I’m not sure the fire extinguisher was recharged after the last one. It wasn’t my […]
The Artist’s Way: Conclusion
The Artist’s Way: If growth “is a spiral process, doubling back on itself, ” we don’t need to eat a whole carp in a day.
The Artist’s Way: Process
Says Cameron in The Artist’s Way, “creativity occurs in the moment, and in the moment, we are timeless.”
The Artist’s Way: Risk
When my parents brought me to the emergency room for the second time in as many weeks, they worried that, even in the 1960s, my sudden susceptibility to injury might raise suspicions of mistreatment. I already wore Raggedy Ann-like black stitches on my face after a mishap involving a swivel chair, coffee table and locked […]
The Artist’s Way: Morning Pages
At the root of a successful recovery is the commitment to puncture our denial, to stop saying, “It’s okay” when in fact it’s something else. The morning pages press us to answer what else.
The Artist’s Way: Currents
She requires a choice with every chapter. Will I sit with the pelicans and snag the easy fish, or let the current take me clear to the ocean?
The Artist’s Way: Safety
One of our chief needs as creative beings is support. Unfortunately, this can be hard to come by.
The Artist’s Way: Invitation
The Artist’s Way is an “into-the-water” book that has helped readers move from “the embankment into the flow of a creative life.”