We’ve netted 10 best fishing poems for you to enjoy on a day when you’d rather be fishing. The best part? No one needs to bait your hook.
Poetry Prompt: The One That Got Away
Our poetry prompt beckons you to gather among friends at the Tweetspeak Bait and Tackle. We’re spinning tales about the catch we just couldn’t hold on to.
Gone Fishing: PhotoPlay and Prompt 2
PhotoPlay weeks give us the opportunity to see another side of our talented poets. Find inspiration from photos in this week’s prompt and create a poem.
Gone Fishing: PhotoPlay and Prompt
Some days, fishing is a discipline of quiet contemplation. Come on over and unwind. Tell others you’ve Gone Fishing and join us for a little PhotoPlay.
Gone Fishing: Poetry Prompt and Playlist
We’ve got a roundup of the [mostly] happy songs in our new Playlist. Catch a listen, put up the “Gone Fishing” sign and cast a line or two of poetry with us.