Michelle Rinaldi Ortega, Tweetspeak’s Poet Laura, visits a farm and finds chickens, goats and even Simon the pig coaxing along her dreams.
Poetry Prompt: The Farm—Endings and Pretending
What poetry can be found in an ending? Can we play pretend long enough to believe? Join Callie Feyen as she writes about disintegrated definitions and why poets make some of the best friends.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Famous artwork as Halloween costumes, the future of the short storyteller, and a guy typing poetry on the street. All this and a little more in This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks.
Poems from the House of Memory – 3
Poems from the farm, including Grandma and Grandpa, tin cans, nickels and pie.
Poems from the House of Memory – 2
“Once, we walked with tin cans to the small dairy for milk.” Thus begins this buttery, poignant poem from the farm, or the heart.