As we enter the new year, Every Day Poems editor Richard Maxson considers how we have persisted in a difficult year, and how we continue, if we want it.
Pandemic Journal: An Entry on Açaí Bowls as Ritual
As the social distancing and sheltering at home continue amidst a renewed surge in coronavirus cases, ritual (and açaí) can be a fruitful way to mark and honor the time.
Pandemic Journal: An Entry on Caring from a Distance
One of the great challenges of the pandemic is connecting with loved ones, especially our elders. Sandra Heska King reflects on caring for her father from 1500 miles away.
Pandemic Journal: An Entry on Peaceful Writing on the Porch
The contraction of the world we interact with during the pandemic has led Bethany Rohde back to her porch, with her journal, to experience the enchantment of sightings in the back yard.
Pandemic Journal: An Entry on Cut Fruit
With adult children back at home during the pandemic, it can feel like a return to the way things were. And then again not really. Dheepa Maturi has a beautiful Pandemic Journal entry.
Pandemic Journal: An Entry on Home Education in a Time of Superlatives
Rebecca D. Martin reflects on educating children at home during the pandemic and finding joy with the weatherman in a time filled with strong words and superlatives.
Pandemic Journal: An Entry on Cutting Your Son’s Hair (and the Lilac Bush)
In a new Pandemic Journal entry, Laura Boggess reflects on the cutting back of things literal and figurative in a time of social distance and isolating.
Pandemic Journal: An Entry on the Light Outside My Window
Light outside the window after days of chilling rain offers new hope in the buds, in the eggs, in the peonies, even in the pandemic.
Pandemic Journal: An Entry on Rejoicing at the Grocery Store
Pandemic Journal: With the coronavirus, few things have changed like shopping for groceries. We may have become 21st century versions of hunter-gatherers.
Pandemic Journal: An Entry on How We Learn
Richard Maxson reflects on the miracles of our pandemic days, the occurrences that don’t just happen but are a result of hope, faith and effort.
Pandemic Journal: An Entry on Watching the Sunset
Sunsets, a lake, a ukulele, and a lot of walks mark the days of shelter-at-home in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex for our editor Will Willingham.
Pandemic Journal: An Entry on Saving the World
In times of crisis, there’s a kind of heroism in telling the story, and preserving our humanity.