We recently rolled out super promotion packages for authors who want to take advantage of our 4.3-million-impression-reach per month, to make a serious impact on their author platforms. As part of these exclusive packages, the authors get anywhere from one to four quotes featured in our WordCandy app. Being part of WordCandy is lasting promotion. It’s a great deal.
Dip Into the Promotion Candy Bowl
Maybe you’re not quite ready for our complete Career Packages, but you like the idea of lasting promotion—and a chance to hang out with Mark Twain, Robert Frost, Rumi, Stephen King, Pablo Neruda, Amy Tan and more?
You don’t need to buy the super author promotion package to get the privilege. Now you can take a dip into the promotion candy bowl, by getting a quote from you featured in our WordCandy app, for as little as $100. Each quote is paired with two links to either your website or your Amazon book sales page.
This is viral promotion at its tastiest.
Our fan base will share your quote. And you can share your own quote to your audience via the app, then your audience can easily reshare. Shares are made simple directly from your quote page, out to Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and even email. We also provide code for your website, so you and your audience can share your quote page straight from your website sidebar or footer.
Want to keep it fresh by occasionally displaying your quote on a different background? Both you and your audience have the option to choose a new photo background, from our gorgeous collection of photos; just choose “rewrap” when you get to your quote page!
WordCandy can give a really nice taste of an author’s work. I know that I’ve been led to more than one book I’ve ended up buying because I “met” the author or seen another side of an author (ie, Stephen King) via WordCandy. —Donna Falcone
Haven’t got a book, but you’re quotable? We’ve got packages for bloggers.
WordCandy is a great way to get SEO love for your blog and find new audiences. We provide two links per featured quote and a call to action to visit your site or one of your most highly trafficked posts. You get all the same perks as noted above in the authors’ section: viral sharing capability, exposure to our fan base, and code for your featured quote page that you can put on your site, to encourage even more sharing!
We Curate the Quotes
To assure that your quotes are featured with other great quotes, we do curate. So, we ask you to please apply below if you’re interested in this kind of beautiful, lasting promotion. Once we receive the information from your application, we will contact you within 5 days if your quotes are a fit for the app. Note that we may make recommendations for quote refinement, to meet editorial standards.
What Kind of Quotes Are We Currently Accepting?
• tasteful
• smart
• insightful
• memorable
• non-religious
• humor works just fine
You might want to explore WordCandy to get an idea of our quote types. Sometimes a quote can be powerful in as few as four words. The key is in the insight and the language.
Some of our main categories are: books, business, childhood wisdom, cooking, courage, creativity, dreams, friendship, hope, just beautiful, love, peace and stillness, on poets and poetry, romance, tea and coffee, work, and writing.
If Your Quotes Are a Fit
If it’s determined that your quotes are a fit for the app, you can go on to purchase one of the following options. Your quote will stay in the app for the life of the app! Compare that to the one or two weeks of exposure you get with promotions elsewhere. There is no comparison.
1 Quote Featured with 2 links to book or website • $100
2 Quotes Featured with 4 links to book or website • $175
4 Quotes Featured with 8 links to book or website • $300
Promote a Quote
Our fan base (and yours) will share your quotes both now and in the future, but you can also immediately take that to higher levels by letting us promote your quote across multiple channels. We have presences across the web!
For Just $25
We will share one of your quotes, with a link to your quote page, via…
TS Poetry Twitter
EDayPoems Twitter
WordCandy Twitter
For Just $50
We will share one of your quotes, with a link to your quote page, via…
TS Poetry Twitter
EDayPoems Twitter
WordCandy Twitter
Tweetspeak Poetry Tumblr
WordCandy Tumblr
EDayPoems Pinterest
Tweetspeak Poetry Google+
For Just $100
We will share one of your quotes, with a link to your quote page, via…
TS Poetry Twitter
EDayPoems Twitter
WordCandy Twitter
Tweetspeak Poetry Tumblr
WordCandy Tumblr
EDayPoems Pinterest
Tweetspeak Poetry Google+
Tweetspeak Poetry Ello
Every Day Poems Facebook
Tweetspeak Poetry Facebook
WordCandy Facebook
Best Love Poetry sidebar or Tweetspeak Poetry Mischief Cafe page (1 month)
Free Promotion, at Random
Our weekly newsletter features a WordCandy quote in the prime viewing area of the newsletter—a $599 slot if you were to purchase it through our advertising program. Each month, we will choose at random from the latest quote purchasers, one person’s quote to be featured in that slot, and we will link it out to their WordCandy quote page. Watch for yours to possibly show up!
Featured photo by Purple Sherbet Photography, Creative Commons, via Flickr.
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[…] Authors and bloggers, now you can get the most delicious, lasting, beautiful promotion opportunity. And a chance to hang out with Mark Twain and Amy Tan. […]