When we heard about NPR Tell Me More’s Muses and Metaphors call for Twitter poetry, of course we couldn’t resist sending all our best company vehicles, to offer Michel Martin and poet Holly Bass a ride to our own Twitter poetry party last night.
Twitter just celebrated its sixth birthday, which means we’ve been Twitter-poetry-partying for half of the social-media giant’s life. It’s fun to remember that we were one of the first to celebrate Twitter’s poetic capabilities. Since then, of course, poetry has become a popular Twitter pastime. So popular that, yes, NPR is calling for Twitter poems. And you might just write them, even if you aren’t at one of our parties. Bon voyage!
First, we sent the hot pink limo.
Then, we sent the hot pink John Deere.
Then, we sent the hot air balloons (yes, one in hot pink).
And of course we finally had to send the steamin’ pink motorcycle too.
Thanks to everyone who hitched a ride. Watch this space for the reweaving of the tweets into larger poems!
Post by L.L. Barkat, author of Rumors of Water: Thoughts on Creativity & Writing
Buy a year of Every Day Poems, just $5.99— Read a poem a day, become a better poet. In March we’re exploring the theme Angels.
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Simply Darlene says
Maybe I shoulda opted for the crotch-rocket because that tractor ride o’ mine was bumpy. I was distracted with all the pink. I’m not used to pink.
My tractor is an orange Kubota.
Maureen Doallas says
That was fun last night, a good crowd of poets and a good crowd to do RTs of our lines.
I want to try a magic carpet for my next fly-in. I won’t have to wait in any TSA lines.
Megan Willome says
Why does it give me such a thrill to see your name on pink machines? But it does!
L. L. Barkat says
Megan! I’m laughing out loud. 🙂 Yes, well. It’s like this bold-yet-soft power thing perhaps?
L. L. Barkat says
Darlene, you make me laugh too. That kind of rocket sounds… a bit uncomfortable 🙂
Maureen, have you ever seen such a crowd? INSANE! I think it was all the transportation we sent out. Too bad I didn’t think of a magic carpet (idea for next time :). And you should go retweet some of your own tweets from last night, to #TMMPoetry
Simply Darlene says
Oh miss L.L. I think that is the slang term for that motorcycle you have pictured. I rode one once. Good night, Irene, felt like my pants left before the rest of me.
(crotch isn’t part of my daily (or weekly) vernacular. but combined with “rocket” i let it go just this once.)
sue says
Congratulations! Both for your successful poetry party—AND…and—your tweetpoem being chosen as one of select #TMMpoetry pieces to be read on NPR. 🙂 *ahem* Hear you on radio soon…
L. L. Barkat says
Lol, Darlene. You made my morning 🙂
Sue, thank you! That was a total surprise this morning. Who knew where a pink limo might take a person? 🙂
Monica Sharman says
If you transport by the “Beam me up” method, you won’t need pink or any color at all! (That was just to comfort those who may have an aversion to pink.)
If you tell me what time it’ll air in April, I’ll tune in…
L. L. Barkat says
Aw. All they said is that they’d send me a link. But that means I can send you the link! 🙂
Toby McCrae Kreider says
At this rate of growing popularity, you will soon need a light rapid transit electro-train to get everyone on board! I missed the poetry ride this time.
L. L. Barkat says
Yes, well, that or we’ll have to make it by reservation only. 🙂 Craziest poetry party I’ve been to yet.