So many writers are inextricably tied to places they’ve written about. And so many places are waiting for their writers. Where is your place? In this workshop, through readings, activities and writings, you’ll explore where you’ve been and where you are, in ways that might help you to see where you’re going.
Memoir Notebook: Too Close for Comfort
Darrelyn Saloom reveals childhood fears, both macro–the Cold War–and micro–her stepfather’s anger–in this entry in the Memoir Notebook.
Writers Workshop: Becoming Mindful in Place-Begins June!
Are you interested in slowing down and developing a deeper creative process and writing life? Becoming mindful of the places that surround you is a great beginning. Let this workshop guide and inspire.
Writing in Place: Where Are You From?
If you’re a writer, it’s good to know where you’re from. When Barbara writes, we know where she’s from. And it’s not the Ukraine.