When writer’s block threatens to derail, one writer finds a way forward in music, baking, friendship and the practice of “living it a while.”
How to Beat Writer’s Block by Not Giving Up
What feels like writer’s block might just be giving up too soon. Charity Singleton Craig challenges writers to use persistence toward better creativity.
A Book of Beginnings: Writer Worrying
I’m nervous for you. Do you have any clue where your Book of Beginnings is going? On “writer worrying,” from the other person in the room.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
A bot to write your poetry, rejection letter Bingo, using your boredom and writer’s block for good instead of evil. It’s another week of our Top Ten Poetic Picks.
The Anthologist: Motion
I found Paul Chowder at the Tip O’Neill building. He was in the passport office cajoling the bureaucrats into renewing his travel documents just days before his departure to Switzerland for some big international poetry doings because he didn’t realize he’d expired. I was there for my once-a-decade passport renewal even though I had no […]
The Anthologist: Pluck the Day
I scheduled a date with Paul Chowder on Friday. We were supposed to hang out and talk about Sara Teasdale. He’d been going on about how some poets spend too much time thinking about death, like going to a movie and just waiting for the credits, which my dad taught me are very interesting if you […]
The Anthologist: Conversation in a Laundromat
I moved upstairs to the kitchen to work. I don’t like the kitchen much. It reminds me of all the times I have to cook, and cooking is not something I enjoy. Sometimes when I cook, there’s a fire, and I’m not sure the fire extinguisher was recharged after the last one. It wasn’t my […]
This Week’s Top 10 Poetic Picks
The best in poetry (and poetic things), this week with Matthew Kreider.
The Artist’s Way: Conclusion
The Artist’s Way: If growth “is a spiral process, doubling back on itself, ” we don’t need to eat a whole carp in a day.
The Artist’s Way: Process
Says Cameron in The Artist’s Way, “creativity occurs in the moment, and in the moment, we are timeless.”
The Artist’s Way: Risk
When my parents brought me to the emergency room for the second time in as many weeks, they worried that, even in the 1960s, my sudden susceptibility to injury might raise suspicions of mistreatment. I already wore Raggedy Ann-like black stitches on my face after a mishap involving a swivel chair, coffee table and locked […]
Poetry Humor: The Poet—Inspired at Last
What if inspiration struck, and this happened to you? Our poor Poet never seems to find his sweet spot.
Rumors of Water: Time
What really happened on the golf course that fateful day? The things we cannot write about today, we will surely find we can write about tomorrow.
Rumors of Water: The Ingredients at Hand
Of all the gifts Rumors of Water will give a writer, an excuse is not one.
Waking the Poet: Cures for Writers Block
Got writer’s block? Lower your standards. Stop refusing your fortune. It’s a start.
Where to Find Words
Is Twitter really mindless for the writer?