We have a bit more wintering to do. Do you have your honey? Join us as we learn Sylvia Plath’s poem “Wintering” By Heart.
‘Wintering’ book club: Thaw & Lapwing
After winter comes thaw and a surprise—lapwing. Join us for the third and final book club discussing Katherine May’s “Wintering.”
‘Wintering’ book club: Cold Water & Resilient Gulls
Swimming in cold water, Katherine May sees gulls and feels unburdened. Join us for our second book club reading “Wintering.”
‘Wintering’ book club: Hot Water & Starlings
A flock of starlings signals Katherine May is in hot water. Join us for our first book club discussion of “Wintering.”
Book Club Announcement: Wintering by Katherine May
It is winter, and the rooks are here. Join us for our next patron-only book club, discussing Katherine May’s book “Wintering,” beginning February 9.