The beverage wars are on. This week’s poetry prompt pits coffee against soft drinks (or any other drink, really) in a duel to the death.
How Do You Take It? (A Coffee Poetry Prompt)
Cream is only good when it’s fronted by Eric Clapton, and the highest form of coffee sacrilege is its dilution with dairy. That’s one man’s opinion. What about you? How you take it? Seth Haines has another poetry prompt.
September: Tea for Two (the diary of a coffee quitter)
I am a helpless, habitual coffee drinker. For the most part, I don’t drink yuppie, frothy coffee. No, I drink the black stuff, the kind that tastes like ash. I drink it like it’s a badge of American masculinity, I guess. My grandpa used to say, “real men take their coffee the way God intended […]