Why poetry? If you’ve experienced the power of a word, you’ve experienced the power of poetry.
What is Poetry: Last Word (at least for now)
What is poetry? A shot in some dark, a walk in some woods, a maker’s feel for the material at hand, an intuition of what is needed?
What is Poetry: Falling in Love, 2
What is poetry? Any effort to define Poetry (with a capital “P”) in an exhaustive way is doomed to fall short. So why not offer a poet’s heresy.
What is Poetry: Falling in Love, 1
The first step towards falling in love, of course, is the cultivation of friendship. And so I have to convince my students that poetry—and the poets who write them—are friends worth getting to know.
What is Poetry?
Poetry is, of course, art put into lines.
Why I Want to Write Useless Poetry
There are so many things you can do with your time. I want to write useless poetry. Because it’s like play.