The best in poetry (and poetic things), this week with Seth Haines. 1 Art There is a split of authority in my house. I tend to identify with the poetry of William Carlos Williams—so much depends upon that red wheelbarrow. I imagine the objects of Williams’ poetry, perhaps attaching a bit of unwarranted sentimentality or nostalgia […]
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Repurposing books into purses, the presidents’ favorite poetry, and why you need a contrarian in your life. Will Willingham has all this and more in This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
The best in poetry (and poetic things), this week with Seth Haines. 1 Art Since my introduction to Bottle Rocket, I have been a shameless apologist for Wes Anderson. His unabashed use of obscure music, vibrant color, and awkward, character-driven storytelling has led to some of the most artistic film-making in recent memory. His latest release, Moonrise […]