From Barney the purple dinosaur to Little Jack Horner’s plum-popping thumb, Seth Haines has a new purple poetry prompt.
Purple Plays (An Associative Poetry Prompt)
Men have long lusted after the cherry-red Porsche, or the ruby-red lips of their lovers. The perfect little black dress is the staple of the refined lady’s closet. Children have long dreaded the color “school-bus yellow.” What objects do you most associate with colors purple and indigo? What emotional states do the colors bring to mind? Seth Haines has a new poetry prompt.
Purple Rain and Indigo Blues (A Plum-Good Poetry Prompt)
Seth Haines invites you to share your purple-themed poetry, your indigo verses, your plum-good musings with a new poetry prompt and themed playlist. Who knows, maybe we’ll feature your work in an upcoming piece at Tweetspeak!