Advertising Options: Tweetspeak Website
1. Featured Post: $1,299*
a. A 180 x 180 pixel image inside the post; featured photo at top of post chosen by us
b. 3 links to website, blog or product pages
c. 1 keyword or phrase
d. 250 word article
e. Circulated to audience via social media channels for 1 week after the article has gone live
2. Sidebar Advertising: $1,999
a. An image/blog button 180 x 180 pixels
b. 1 sentence description
c. Remains on the home page of the Tweetspeak website in the right hand side bar (4th widget down), for a period of 3 months
d. Installed by us (design alterations may be suggested, to fit our ethos)
3. In-Post Advertising Permalink: $599
a. A 180 x 180 pixel image advertising button, with link to your website, within a post
b. Installed by us
*Subject to editorial approval, based on fit for our audience.
To set up an advertising arrangement, contact