The object of the game is to become the wealthiest player #tsptry Get out of jail free #tsptry You inherit $100.. Buy a yacht, World Tour, Rolls Royce #tsptry "Take a walk on the Boardwalk" #tsptry "If owned, throw dice and pay the owner..." #tsptry You have been elected chairman of the board #tsptry Grand Opera Opening, Collect $50 from every player for opening night seats #tsptry "Some people play the game according to house rules." #tsptry "You have won SECOND PRIZE in a beauty contest." #tsptry Chance - go directly to jail, do not pass go #tsptry "Take a ride on the reading..." #tsptry "Chance - advance to go. Collect..." #tsptry The bank never goes bankrupt... #tsptry "conduct business as usual while in jail..." #tsptry "Remember to build evenly at all times..." #tsptry " maintain a balance in the game..." #tsptry "May I make my own rules?" #tsptry "originally rejected for containing 52 'fundamental' errors" #tsptry "Advance to a space, move forward, not backward." "We will be happy to hear your questions and comments about this..." "the game moves fast and you'll need the extra cash..." #tsptry Here's the first prompt: "Now there's a faster way to play..."